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I asked God for help with my memory because I kept forgetting things, important date and where I put stuff. I purchased IDEA product of starlight international from Me and My Girls. IDEA help me with my memory. The first three days I took it , I got everything done on my "To Do List" and I found two items I had misplaced. Thank you......Alice Anderson, Richmond VA. — Alice, 3-year member of Avon representatives.
Me and My Girls has offered me great support and now I have my own Avon business which is thriving. Thanks so much to Ruth and her girls for helping me understand the ins and outs. — John, 3-year member of Avon representatives.
I join Motor Club of America (MCA) for the legal support. The first day after joining i had to get my cay towed. MCA was there to help me out. I was happy. Thank. you to Me and My Girls. You offered me good product and great support and now I have my own income generating method. — Local Richmond Resplendence, 3-year member of Avon representatives.
I joined Me and My Girls because I travel. They provide credit card protection which as proven invaluable! — Jenny, 3-year member of Me and My Girls
I join Me and my girls Team because of their financial freedom opportunity. I am loving it. — Ross, 1 year member